Doping Procedures - Casing/Tubing

BESTOLIFE recommends the following procedures for the application and use of our thread compounds on casing/tubing connections:


Upon opening the container, stir the product with either a dope brush or other suitable device to blend the oil and/or the component solids that may have settled during shipment and storage. Take care to protect the compound from contamination such as drilling fluids, water, dirt, and other debris. Never add material (diesel fuel, kerosene, motor oil, etc.) to the compound to improve ease of application — such contamination or adulteration can change the friction factor and degrade galling resistance properties.


Tube Mill, Threading, Inspection and Pipe Yard Operations

All connection contact surfaces should be clean and free of moisture and contaminants (including storage compounds) prior to the application of the thread compound, whether intended for storage only or as a “running” compound. Corrosion effects are the result of an electrolytic process in which both water and dissolved ions (chlorides, sulfides, sulfates, and other dissolved ions) serve together as an electrolyte. Most corrosion inhibitors are “surface active,” meaning that the active molecules attach themselves to metal surfaces to prevent access by corrosion-causing contaminants. If, however, the contaminants are present on the threaded surface prior to application of the thread/storage compound, they will be trapped against the surface and cause corrosion. Simply drying the surface with compressed air is insufficient, because dissolved contaminants remain on the surface when the moisture evaporates. To remove moisture and contaminants, apply a dewatering fluid/corrosion inhibitor to threaded surfaces. Remove excess inhibitor from the thread surface before compound application.

Running Offshore

Thoroughly clean and dry all tubular connections (including removal of storage compound) at the rig prior to inspection and application of thread compound. Take care to ensure that the cleaning process does not cause environmental pollution.


After the connection is clean and dry, inspect and remove any brush bristles left on the threads/seals from cleaning process. Apply a light, even coating of thread compound over the entire thread and seal areas of the pin and box, leaving the thread form clearly visible. The frequent practice of slapping a “gob” of pipe dope on one side of the bin or box and trusting the pipe rotation during makeup to distribute the compound over the connection surface is not sufficient for uniform application. Work the compound into the thread roots to completely cover the entire thread and seal areas of the pin and box. If doping the pins when the pipe is on a rack, take care to ensure that the compound does not pick up contaminants (e.g., dried mud, cuttings, etc.) from the floor when standing the string up prior to running. Ideally, install protectors on the pins after doping and remove them just prior to stabbing on the rig floor.

Good handling, cleaning, and thread compound application procedures are key elements for a successful makeup job.